Those of you who read this
post might have felt that my ranting ended there or that i've gotten over it; i'm sorry to break your heart but i haven't so if you couldn't stand it then, here's your chance to close the page before i begin ranting part 2!!!
For those of you who chose to stay on and read, thank you mucho!!! You must be very tired of hearing this by now but i really envy
Amber Rose and
Solange Knowles! It takes a lot of courage to rock a bald head or a baby afro. It's not only about having the right face shape to pull it off but also about having the right swagger. On the 3rd of October 2009, i relaxed/ chemically straightened my hair and decided that i was going to attempt transitioning to chemically-free hair. You see, as much as i absolutely adore having bone straight hair I always hated the fact that in a couple of weeks i would need to retouch my roots again. This wasn't much of a worry when i lived in England because the lady who did my hair was AMAZING and her salon was about 30 minutes away from me. So it was always a breeze until i moved down to Australia. The first black hair stylist i met not only fried my hair but also my scalp in an attempt to relax my hair. I was so pissed off because the front of my hair became really damaged and i had to get braids installed.
Anyone who knows me would tell you that i get bored really easily and i'm not much of a fan of having extensions in my hair for a long time because i love to feel my hair on my weekly wash days. Herein lies the problem, i currently have braids in and it is absolutely driving me bonkers! I just want it out right this very moment because it is affecting my sanity. I've had it in for 6 weeks now and i really don't know if i can take it anymore. But if i take it out, i'm faced with another dilemms, what to do with my hair. I don't want to rebraid it so i have the option of relaxing it myself or dealing with two textures (my roots and my relaxed hair). The problem with two textures especially on short hair is a lack of styling options. Let's not even mention the dreaded breakage which is enough to give me heart palpitations! So you now understand why i envy these girls.