So you can imagine her excitement today when i told her that i had infact been offered a place in university accommodation. I also had to tell my dad cause for the last couple of weeks he's been making it clear that he's not happy with me living alone eventhough he doesn't want me to feel like he's trying to dictate what i should do. My mum feels exactly the same way and when they found out that i got a place today, they asked me to talk to the other people i got a place with and forfeit it; eventhough it means losing the deposit i already paid which is quite substantial. Before we get into the details, i must admit that i'm absolutely excited about the university accommodation that i got offered. It is less than 5 minutes walk to the city mall and very close to woolies, just a stone throw away from the free bus stop to uni, has a swimming pool and a restaurant just downstairs. So idealy i shouldn't feel bad right? I should be excited that i have this opportunity to live in the lap of luxury whilst i'm still at uni. Did i mention that it is only $10 more expensive than the other place and whereas i have to spend an extra $10+ on bus fare in the other apartment to uni, i get the bus free for this one. So that means i'm only losing my deposit right?
But i still feel a bit weird about going to have that conversation with them. What do you guys think?
Image via Pgteenspace.files.wordpress.com
Image via Pgteenspace.files.wordpress.com
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