Hello to all you bloggers out there. This is just a quick update to let you know that i might not be blogging this week because i've just moved into a new place today and i'm still trying to get things sorted and that includes my internet connection. Hope you guys have a fantabulous week
Hermine, xoxo
Monday, February 22, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
I Want Her Hair!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010
Read These!
Hey Guys
I've just been reading articles and other websites online as i've been pretty bored and lacking anything interesting to post so i found these two articles online that i think might be interesting. Hope you enjoy reading them as much as i did :)
Fuss-free guide to complexion perfection
From timid to temptress
I've just been reading articles and other websites online as i've been pretty bored and lacking anything interesting to post so i found these two articles online that i think might be interesting. Hope you enjoy reading them as much as i did :)
Fuss-free guide to complexion perfection
From timid to temptress
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Must Read!

Image via Jewelboxdreams.blogspot.com
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Dye Job

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Image of Perfection

Monday, February 15, 2010
The Cook & The Chef

Anyways, for more of the cooking show check their website abc.net.au/tv/cookandchef/
Friday, February 5, 2010

I was having a bit of a 'fat me' day yesterday. I was very upset because all my labours of working out 5-6 times a week and even finally going on my PCOS medication wasn't making any difference. Plus i had really sore muscles from doing one of Tony Horton's workouts, that guy is genius and evil at the same time but that's a conversation for another post. My friend from UK was texting me yesterday and i was sheepishly replying all his messages and he sent me one asking 'So, what IS wrong with you? Because from your replies i can tell you're in an interesting mood' and to which i replied that i was having a fat day. He is one of those friends you don't want to ask a question that you're scared of the answer; plus he is an expert at laughing at people which can be quite annoying especially if he's laughing at you. He replied me saying 'You're ok dear, don't worry about it cause it's the small stuff and i think it works with you perfectly. Just appreciate yourself. You're not as big as Queen Latifah and she's gorgeous!' You can bet i had a very good night's sleep yesterday after a good mood boost; although i always used to think i was about the same size as Queen Latifah!
Image via Oopshi.com
Image via Oopshi.com
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Essential Layering

With all this in mind, i'm making a huge effort to change and to stop disgracing my parents by boosting up my wardrobe slowly. If you've read magazines that had issues on makeovers, most fashion editors would always say start with the basics!!! And that's exactly what i plan on doing; the picture of Hilary Duff is very inspiring to me because it looks very relaxed and comfortable. But most importantly, it is trans-seasonal because as you're all aware fake Autumn starts in March. So as it gets cooler, it becomes more sensible for me to introduce leggings back into my look [not that summer stopped me attempting to wear them] and when it gets even cooler i could easily throw on a boyfriend cardigan or a blazer to keep warm! With these in mind, i plan on investing on a few longline tank tops that i can layer with and where better to find them than at Bassike? I absolutely love their essentials range that has layering singlets in white, grey marl and black retailing at $60 each
Image via Hilaryvault.com
Image via Hilaryvault.com
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I Know I'll Fall, But...

Image via Beyonceworld.net
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
High Expectations?

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