Stalker much? Yup, that’s me! There are certain blogs/ sites i stalk without fail. I can’t even count the amount of times i check these sites daily. It’s the first thing i do when i wake up in the morning (after praying and before brushing my teeth) and the last thing i do before i go to bed. And if i have any spare time during the day, you can be sure that i’m devouring all the goodness that there is to be found on these sites. You see, i’m extremely indecisive, picky, easily obsessed yet very shy. Some people are under the assumption that i’m not shy...ha! You best believe i am, its just that i can get crazy when i become more familiar...get it? Although i’m studying for a bachelors in international business (already have a degree in economics with accounting), my passion is actually more aligned with residential architecture and interior design. Thrown into this mix is a bit of interests in languages, DIY and personal development! I’m sure you’re sitting there going “she’s definitely studying the wrong course”
Well, i would say 70% yes and 30% no! The aspect of my course that most interests me are the ones that have to do with business innovation and human resources. I suck when it comes to having strategic conversations with people because i’m a bit of a randomer; so my course gives me a chance to learn about how to communicate when dealing with cross cultures and different managerial expectations because it is my dream that one day i’ll own my own establishment. Something that would combine my passion for residential architecture, interior design and sustainability. I think i know way too much about eco-concrete, black Italian marble and cedar wood than i do about my course. Matter of fact, i’m even slowly learning more about how the foundations of buildings are constructed and how it could be made greener, biomechanical gray water systems and reed beds. Are you lost yet? Hmm, don’t be because i’m not done yet.
You see, growing up i read architecture magazines and catalogues instead of playing with barbie and watching ‘Tom and Jerry’ like the others that grew up around me. If you’d asked me about the functionality of petrol, engine oil and a land cruiser between the ages of 7 and say 9, i might have had a pretty good answer to give you. I practised my English by reading all my dad’s car magazines and driving him crazy by asking random questions when he tried to customise his car engines. So he automatically assumed that i should be an engineer; but what he didn’t understand was that i was more interested in the aesthetic design of a car and its engine than i was of how the engine worked.
Oops! I’ve just realised that i’ve completely gone off trail with the aim of this post and forgot to mention the sites i was talking about. Such is the manner of activities that rattle in my head. Drum roll please...
ReplyDeletei'm not going to lie but you definitely lost me along the way there... so i reread (thrice) and now I get it..... basically you like pretty things, and are very intelligent, however shy. but a loon with your friends :P love it!
very deep posts are these spring confessions, i like it :) xoxo avs
Hahahahahahaha...now you see how crazy my brain chatter can be...lol. I think i need to consider the option of editing my posts before i publish them because i usually write exactly how i'm thinking and just leave it that way
ReplyDeletexoxo Hermine :P