If you've ever wanted to indulge in Australian brands or live in Australia and want to support the local talent whilst also helping the Australian economy then i have good news for you. I've found three sites that sell Australian brands and one of them also carries Nicole Ritchie's jewellery line 'House of Harlow 1960'. Below are the sites:
Australian Flavour
Frock Shop
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Can You Imagine?

Images via Justjared.com
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
More Jackets But In Leather...

Let me start by apologising for the picture quality. Both jackets are by Unique and can be purchased online from Topshop. The leather jacket on the left is hooded with a piped detail stitching and stretch panels on the arms which are a bit difficult to see from the picture. It'll set you back about £250 and you can purchase it here. The second one, which i prefer, reminds me of a jacket one of the Olsen twins once wore and i'm going to guess its Ashley. This one follows the shoulder pad trend and has jersey panels on the arms. You can purchase it here for £175. What drew my attention to these jackets are the copper/gold coloured zips that they have. I'm not too sure that i like the colour of the zip but it does look like something that might grow on me slowly.
Images via Topshop.com
Images via Topshop.com
Online Shopping,
It's All About Power Shoulders...

Never underestimate the power of the subconscious mind and economists...
Images via ASOS.com
Online Shopping,
Patrizia Pepe
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Love Affair Continues...

Images via ASOS.com
Monday, September 21, 2009

Image via Sptimes.com
Sunday, September 20, 2009
These Days, Shopping Is...

On a side note, somebody in the kitchen thought it was a brilliant idea to replace the usual supply of soy milk with rice milk. Soy milk is already bad as it is and i had to train myself to learn to drink it. But rice milk? That's another issue on its own. For starters it looks worse than skimmed milk; it's like staring at coloured water!!! And don't even get me started on the texture in your mouth; i'm pretty sure me chewing A4 paper has more texture than the rice milk they put out. I don't know if it's just the brand of rice milk but it tastes vile!!! It's LIQUID VERMIN!
Image via i.Treehugger.com
Image via i.Treehugger.com
Saturday, September 19, 2009
On The Fence...

Image via Justjared.com
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Images via ASOS.com
Disney Couture,
Online Shopping,
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Scared Of The iPhone Flu?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Nobody Does It Like...

Image via Justjared.com
It's Official...

Monday, September 14, 2009
My Nose Is...

Image via Uk.eonline.com
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
It's Never Too Late...

Remember, you are the change that you seek!!! Bonne nuit mes amis!
Images via Fantasticfiction.co.uk and Qualified-lifecoach.com
Friday, September 11, 2009
It'a All About Printing...

Now onto the fashion aspect; lately i've been garnering some interest in clothing that has printed motifs onto it. Like the Miss Sixty one above or the Killah one below. I love how the patterns have been printed onto the tees to create an illusion and i'm also loving the slight graffiti effect going on. The Killah t-shirt below reminds me of some mini skirts i saw at Cotton On yesterday as it's the same pattern and the same grey shade but the print on the skirt was on a black background. I'm pretty sure that Supre would soon catch up on this trend. You can purchase both t-shirts from ASOS. The Miss Sixty waistcoat print t-shirt would set you back £45 while the Killah bodice print t-shirt costs £30.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Horsing Around

Image via Asos.com
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
A Stranger Is...

I already knew his name but i really couldn't think of another way to start the conversation so i asked for his name again and he told me John. The minute he said that, i absolutely realised why i'm slightly fascinated by him. He reminds me a bit of Johnny Depp; he's not your puke cute kind of guy but he is somewhat enigmatic. Did i mention that he's got a bit of a bass/baritone voice going on? Anyway, he asked me the question 95% of people ask me and for the same reason 'So, where are you from?'. Cocky me, i wasn't willing to give in easily so i said 'around somewhere...but why don't you guess?' And he goes 'Well, i detect a bit of American, some European language and a bit of Pommy but it's all one big mix'. So i ended up telling him i'm nigerian but i've lived in other countries and his response was 'Aha, it all makes perfect sense'. I must admit no one has ever told me that i've got a bit of European pronounciations in my vocabulary but i'm pretty sure when i tell my friend in UK this, she's going to be stoked because she's from the french-speaking area in Cameroon so i always try and practice my french with her. I'm guessing all my years of learning languages has finally creeped into my accent. Well, i'm off to go do some kickboxing!
Images via Despianart.com and Synthtopia.com
Always 'Switched On'!

The funny thing is that this usually happens at any given time of the day. I could be sat next to a friend and my brain goes on autodrive; i can even be having a conversation with them whilst it's going on up there. The worst is when i'm sleeping or in the shower. My mum once got really freaked out when i was about 12 or 13. I'd just come home for the holidays from boarding school and i decided to sleep in her room because my aunt had taken over mine. All of a sudden, i started sleep talking. But the strange thing for her was that i wasn't talking jargon; it was a logical chain of thought and i was having a sort of three-way conversation with my mind over something that was going on in our family at the time. I was basically arguing with the point of view that the entire family and everyone else who felt our business was theirs wanted us to go with. Of course, my mum freaked out and ended up recording my entire conversation on my own tape recorder. She listened to it over and over again and then cried her eyes out. Of course, when i woke up, she told me everything that happened and played the tape back just to prove it to me. You know what she said? 'You're not just your father's daughter; you are your father in female form!!!' That's a very serious thing to say considering how stubborn and opinionated my father can get; which is probably why we don't argue like regular parents and children do. Our arguements always tend to go in the form of politics, bargaining and negotiations but without the shouting or the insults. Of course, after the whole tape incident she always asks me for my opinion because 9 times out of 10, it's the opinion that's going to break the family rule.
So now that i have come to the end of this post - i have to run and get the bus to uni - i would like to know how to quiet my thoughts once in a while. Because during my test at 11am this morning, i was actually thinking about a phrase i'd read earlier in my management textbook made by one of the founders of Southwest Airlines, USA.
Image via Pierotonin.com Road To Recovery...

Yesterday, i blogged on people's opinions and why we care so much. So from today onwards, i'm on a road to recovery about letting other people's opinions rule my life and just plain caring so much for such unnecessary drama. And since you're reading my blog, you are going to take this journey with me - hopefully ^_^. I just found a blog called 30 sleeps and there's some amazing posts in there. One of them is the post that's going to make this journey slightly doable: How to not care what other people think. Read and enjoy ^_^
Image via The-malaysian.blogspot.com
Move Over Amazon...

Image via Bookoffers.com.au
Inspirational Jewellery

Image via Asos.com
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Does This Remind You Of LV?

Image via Asos.com
Why Do We Care So Much...

In the game of pointing fingers, who's to blame for it? Hitler, Mass media? Tabloids? Personally, i grew up in a background where other people's opinions of you either makes or breaks you. In my little village down south of Nigeria, once a negative remark has been made about someone in your family by an elderly person, you know you're screwed. I don't mean screwed like people are going to hate you. More like no one wants to have any associations with your family; no one wants to marry from your family or even marry into your family. Did someone hear that you spent the night in the house of a man whom you're not married to? OMG!!! You are in for the biggest shit of your life! You certainly would be the new slut of the village and whichever man decides to marry you from that village would always live in the shadows of that incident. As for your family; well if you have a father like mine then chances are you'll be disowned. But your family would always have to live with the shame that you dragged their name in the mud. Of course, it's not the same in other villages and it certainly isn't the case when you live in the city. But these issues have their way of rearing their ugly heads.
My mum was telling me about a family that's currently going through 'shame' in the village circle. They live in the same town as my parents do and we also happen to come from the same village. Well, they sent their daughter to the US to study for her undergrad and she came back pregnant and unmarried. Of course in the western world this isn't too much of a big deal, after all there's an ample part of society with single parents. In my city, the only shame they're having to endure is that her parents hold a certain prestige in the church community. So she has commited the ultimate sin!!! On the other hand, in the village she's now the news headline. Mum went back to the village for my uncle's traditional wedding and the story is pretty much all she hears. "Did you hear that so-and-so's daughter came back from US pregnant and single? What a slut she is. Which kind of respectful man would want to marry her? So she spent all those dollars sleeping around eh?"
Worst part is her child might have to endure such ridicle in the future if he/she ever decides to venture to the village. So should culture then be blamed for the effect of people's opinions? Or should we defer it more to the issue of civilisation. Because my village IS a village populated mostly by the elderly and the young ones living there have already embodied the same habits of the elderly. And the majority of them tend to be illiterate as well. But in the city everyone is all about the 21st century. It's almost like moving from the 19th century to the 21st century in the space of 1.5 hours because that's how long it takes to drive from my city to the village. No wearing short skirts, loud makeup, big earrings, tight clothes, jeans, trousers or cleavage revealing clothes on the trip to the village because that's all it takes for me to relegate my family into a certain opinionated corner. And in the city at home? Well, no short skirts, jeans, trousers, big earrings, cleavage or tight clothes for me either because my parents happen to be very religious so you know every member of the church would have to say something; especially since i actually grew up in that church!
I remember in 2003 i wore hoop earrings to church, that was my first taste of opinions!!! The usher called me aside and said: 'You know, these earrings are very worldly, you should take them off!' Being the stubborn person i was, i said no!!! That was all it took for mayhem to ensue. The next thing i know, my mum's asking me if i was rude to the usher because he went and reported me to her. Like seriously?! After explaining to her what happened, she just laughed it off and said that she's a 21st century mother so she understands me. But that didn't stop other people from commenting. One of the ladies in church told me i was dressed like one of those 'other' girls - the 'sinners' who weren't christains - because of my earrings, the fact that my orange skirt suit was quite fitted even though it was 3/4 length skirt, the fact that i had nail polish on and i was rocking some major black eyeliner. Her criticisng my dress didn't bother me so much because my mum made it and she saw me before i left the house anyway!!! Did i mention that my eyeliner was specially made for me by my gran??? It's a tradition for girls to wear eyeliner especially if you're from a certain lineage because the eyes are the windows to the soul, hence the best seductive tool for men. So what better way than to wear black liner rimming your gorgeous eyes ey? My aunt got a brown-black one from my gran because she's got cat eyes and some major eyelashes so she doesn't need much emphasis like i do. Mum gave up wearing eyeliner after she got married because she always hated it, but gran used to make her wear it and since she was already married she didn't need to seduce any men anymore....hahahaha.
Image via Sheerchaos.files.wordpress.com
Monday, September 7, 2009

There can be no peace of mind in love, since what one has obtained is never
anything but a starting point for further desires - Marcel Proust [1871-1922]
Corporately Chic..

Image via Justjared.com
Big Week

Image via Candy.k12.or.us
Sunday, September 6, 2009
It's A Lonely World Out There...

Images via Imagecache5.art.com, Varna.files.wordpress.com
Snoring Queen

Images via Digitalinfosolution.com, Snore-gonomics.com
Another Piece Of Wilde

On another note, i have a sort of bad news for those who live in Australia wanting to try out the new Escada perfume. Except you know an actual Escada flagship store in Australia, you can't purchase the perfume because they don't sell in shops like David Jones or Myer. Theie products are strictly in Escada shops except you manage to find a boutique that sells some of their stuff. I guess i have to result to e-bay or England for this one.
Image via Justjared.com
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