The blackberry tour smartphone just got launched in New York and Chloe Sevigny and Gwyneth Paltrow were one of the celebrities in attendance. There's something about Chloe that never really seems to work for me, whenever i see her i get scared and after watching Twilight i actually imagine her being a real life Victoria. Her style is usually a hit or miss for me and on this occasion i have to say it's a miss. I'm definately not in love with her dress.

If you've read my blog you'd know that i love Gwyneth Paltrow's style but on this occasion i have to say i'm extremely disappointed. Everything from her hair colour to that ridiculus tan she's sporting and her dress all fail in my book. You see, when i look at the picture above it reminds me of two people: Heidi Montag and Pamela Anderson. Seriously, since when did Gwyneth decide that an oompa loompa look was for her? And that shade of blonde against her skin just makes it worse: it's either the colour is too brassy or it just looks terrible in the pictures because of her tan. And then her dress reminds me of some terrible clothes that ASOS designed about a year or so ago, it looks so cheap and tacky on Gwyneth. Is the recession or the freaking fast she just went on clouding her good sense of tasteful ensembles? Let's just hope this is a one-timer.
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