This is one of the main reasons i like Gwyneth as she's simple and stylish and it's the little details that make her stand out. When she wears her clothes, they might just be in black but it's the little details like the ring or bracelet she wears with it, how she styles her hair and the makeup she wears that makes the whole ensemble really work. For her Iron Man promotional tour, the key things she focused on were a polished hair and SHOES. The shoes caused some major envy and spiked sales and also introduced new designers to us that we probably wouldn't have noticed. She's not there trying to be in your face - i guess as long as she shuts up and not say something retarded and as far as Chris Martin isn't talking either. With shopping bans and shopping diligently going well for me, i've decided to take the next step and work on my health and lifestyle.
Of course, from reading Goop i've discovered a gentle method that i believe i can use to get into a healthier lifestyle. Basically, Gwyneth has asked qualified health practitioners [i think] ways in which you can ease into a healthier way of life and here's what i gathered from it:
Sleep at least 8 hours each night. To induce sleep take valerian, chamomile tea or vitamins (magnesium plus vitamin B6). Sleep better for two weeks before changing your diet: try eliminating white foods [after 2 weeks of sleeping for 8 hours each night]. Start with flour, then diary and sugar - give yourself two weeks to get used to not having one food item before eliminating another. If out of shape: start by walking 15 minutes daily adding an extra minute each day for the first month. At the end of a month, you should be up to 45 minutes a day.
If you're looking to go on a hardcore detox, you might want to try reading Joshi's holistic detox book. As for me, i plan on starting from tonight by trying to sleep for 8 hours each night. This would mean that i'll have to go to bed at 10pm each night and i have to say this is going to be a bit difficult to apply as i happen to do the majority of my studying at night and tend to go to bed at 1am or even 2am so i tend to just get 4,5 hours of sleep each night. I'll keep you updated daily on how i'm going.
Sources: Photo & Source
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